Sunday, May 6, 2018

Self Assessment & Review Obstetrics​​

Year : 2016
Edition : 9
Description :

NEET continued in year 2015, but yes, this time the anxiety of the students for NEET was less. Students looked more settled. The approach of NEET became a little clear. Image-based questions are still to being asked. Most of the questions are direct but require you to be well-versed with the theory. Reading important theory becomes absolutely essential, whether you do it from a textbook or from subjectwise help books, that’s your choice. It now gives me immense pleasure to share with you the new edition of the book. Many changes have been done in the book. Each chapter has been thoroughly revised and updated. All new guidelines have also been incorporated.

Salient Features of the 9th Edition
� All chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated.
� The book has been divided into 5 sections:
 Section 1: General Obstetrics
 Section 2: Medical, Surgical and Gynaecological Illness Complicating Pregnancy
 Section 3: Abnormal Labor
 Section 4: Fetus
 Section 5: Diagnosis in Obstetrics
 Section 6: Recent Papers
� Theory is present before the following chapters:
 Pelvis and fetal skull
 Placenta and amniotic fluid
 Normal labor
 Abortion and MTP
 Trophoblastic diseases including choriocarcinoma
 Antepartum haemorrhage
 Postpartum haemorrhage, uterine inversion and shock
 Anemia in pregnancy
 Heart disease in pregnancy
 Diabetes in thyroid pregnancy
 Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
 Pregnancy in Rh-negative women
 Infections in pregnancy
  Gynaecological disorders in pregnancy
 Fetus growth disorders
 Fetal malformations
� Keeping in mind the apprehension of students towards NEET, I have added many new pattern questions with their
explanations. The chapterwise distribution of new questions has been given on the back cover.
� For the first time ever annexures, have been added for last-minute revision.
Total annexures added are 15 in number:
 Color of amniotic fluid and conditions seen
 Causes of oligohydramnios
 Causes of polyhydramnios
 Types of pelvis and important points on them
 Definitive signs of early pregnancy
 USG in pregnancy
 Recommended daily allowance in pregnancy
 Vaccines in pregnancy
 Important time-table of events
 Named structures and their locations
 Recommended weight gain as per BMI in singleton and twin pregnancy
 Fetal heart rate traces—NICE guidelines
 Management algorithm for PPH–HEMOSTASIS
 Conditions affecting levels of AFP
 Conditions affecting levels of bhCG
� CTG is one of the topics which is generally not very well understood by undergraduate students. With the recent trend
of image-based questions coming in the exam, it becomes important to understand it well. For your convenience in color
plates, I have added important CTG strips along with a user manual.
� Many image-based questions have been added at the end.
� Many new USGs and Doppler images have been given in color plates for last-minute revision.
� All important diagrams on which figure-based questions could be formed are given in color plates.
� All instruments used in obstetrics with their uses have been given in color plates.
� Important specimens of obstetrics are included in color plates.
� Recent questions of AIIMS (November and May 2015) and PGI (May 2015 and November 2014) have been added with their explanations in the respective chapters.
� Along with this edition, I am again providing a live lecture on basics of reproduction and APH to strengthen your fundamental

Link download :  https://khmermedica

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