Thursday, June 7, 2018

CRC handbook of biochemistry and molecular biolog : 2 volume set

Authors : Fasman, Gerald D
Edition : 3
Year : 2018
Section d Physical Chemical Data, Volume I

This volume contains information on the nucleotide composition of bacterial DNA. Eukaryotic protists, etc.; Nearest neighbour frequencies in DNA; repeated and unique sequences in eukaryotes; nucleic acid sequences in bacteriophage, chloroplasts, mitochondria, kinetoplasts, satellites and TRNA. Information on the physical properties of RNA, atomic coordinates of DNA-DNA. Also included in this volume is information on enzymes involved in nucleic acid function.

 Proteins, Volume II
The section of this handbook has been dividing into two volumes, the first volume contains information relating to purines, pyrimidine and nucleoside, oligonucleotide, polynucleotides, and their derivatives. Both ribo and deoxyribo compounds are listed also. The second volume will contain the remaining material similar to Volume 1 and material more relative to genetic and biological aspects such as enzymes involved in nucleic acid function, protein synthesis, linkage maps. 

-Volume 1 :  httpibb6318DA

-Volume 2 :  httplibv7006A9

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