Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Complete Guide to Prescription & Nonprescription Drugs 2018–2019

Authors : H. Winter Griffith
Edition :
Year : 2017
Description :

The purpose of this book is to give you information about the most widely used drugs (prescription and nonprescription). The information is derived from many authoritative sources and represents the
consensus of many experts. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness. However, because drug information is constantly changing, you should always talk to your doctor or
pharmacist if you have any questions or concerns.

The information applies to generic drugs in both the United States and Canada. Generic names do not vary in these countries, but brand names do. Each year, new drug charts are added and existing charts
are updated when appropriate. For the most part, drugs that are injected by a medical professional, used mainly in a hospital (or medical clinic) or have rare usage are not included.

A drug cannot “cure.” It aids the body’s natural defenses to promote recovery. Likewise, a manufacturer or doctor cannot guarantee a drug will help every person. The complexity of the human
body, individual responses in different people and in the same person under different circumstances, past and present health, age and gender impact how well a drug works.

All effective drugs produce desirable changes in the body, but can also cause undesirable adverse reactions or side effects. Before you decide whether to take a drug, you or your doctor must decide, “Will the benefits outweigh the risks?” In the United States, it is the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure that drugs are safe and effective.


  • Drugs and You
  • Guide to Drug Charts
  • Checklist for Safer Drug Use
  • Compliance with Doctors’ Instructions
  • Cough and Cold Medicines
  • Pregnancy
  • Buying Prescription Drugs Online
  • Guidelines for Disposing of Drugs
  • Getting Help From Your Pharmacist
  • Cutting Medicine Costs
  • Aging and Taking Medicines
  • Information about Substances of Abuse
  • Medical Conditions and Their Commonly Used Drugs
  • Drug Charts
  • (Alphabetized by drug generic name or drug class name)
  • Generic and Brand Name Directory
  • Additional Drug Interactions
  • Glossary
  • Index
  • (Generic names, brand names and class names)
  • Emergency Guide for Overdose Victims
  • Emergency Guide for Anaphylaxis Victims

Link Download :   httpdowg823681

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