Friday, July 13, 2018

Emergency drug dosing in children : a resuscitation aid for paediatric emergencies

Authors : Mike Wells; Lara Goldstein; Martin J Botha
Edition :
Year : 2012
Description :

An essential pocket reference for paediatric emergency medicine. This is a practical, synoptic resuscitation aid providing comprehensive guidelines about equipment sizes and drug doses, including how to prepare, dilute and administer drugs in the emergency room.

What's covered in the book:

  • Practical pharmacology in children
  • Overcoming medication errors in the Emergency Department
  • Paediatric resuscitation and teamwork
  • How to use the PAWPER tape and Broselow tape
  • A comprehensive guide to equipment sizing in children
  • Bolus drug dosing guidelines for more than 80 commonly-used emergency drugs
  • Infusion drug dosing guidelines for the most frequently used emergency infusions
  • Useful formulas and information for managing paediatric emergencies
  • Pearls and pitfalls information on emergency drugs and emergency equipment
Suitable for:
Paediatric critical care
Paediatric emergency medicine

1. Pharmacology in children
This section will highlight the differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacocodynamics between adults and children, the changes that occur between infancy and adolescence and the differences between health and critical illness or injury.
2. Medication errors in children in the Emergency Department
A description of the significance of medication errors in children, especially in the Emergency Department, how these errors occur, and how they can (and must) be avoided. A discussion of resuscitation aids and team dynamics in paediatric resuscitation.
3. Paediatric assessment - the first 30 seconds; the first 3 minutes; the first 30 minutes.
A short easy approach to assessing critically ill or injured children in the ED.

4. Instructions on how to use the Broselow tape
How to use the Broselow tape & incorporate this into team-based resuscitation.
5. Instructions on how to use the PAWPER tape
How to use the PAWPER tape & incorporate this into team-based resuscitation. A discussion of the value of including a measure of body habitus into length-based weight estimation in children.
6. Instructions on how to use the EDDC
How to use the drug-dose guideline section of the book.
7. Bolus drug dosing - grey, pink, red, purple, yellow, white, blue, orange, green
The section containing the comprehensive drug dose guidelines for bolus IV drug dose administration by weight groups; the weights are grouped according to the Broselow-Luten colour zones to facilitate use with the Broselow tape.

8. Infusion drug dosing
9. Oral drug dosing
10. Lund & Browder chart and "formula-ry"
This section will contain miscellaneous information that is useful for the emergency management of children - e.g. the Lund & Browder chart (burns), insulin sliding scales, formulas for calculating fluid and electrolyte requirements etc.
11. Drug information and references
This section will contain information on the drugs and equipment included in the guideline section. This information will focus on very basic pharmacology, dose guidelines and useful information that will allow the reader confidence to use the drugs and equipment under a wide range of emergency situations.

Link Download :  http://downlof19f0

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