Thursday, September 27, 2018

IAP Textbook of Pediatric ICU Protocols

Authors : Dr Praveen Khilnani
Edition : 2
Year : 2013
Description :

This book provides evidence-based information to pediatricians and students of pediatrics on guidelines and established protocols on disease management. Chapters in this book describe easy-to-implement protocol-based approach to commonly seen potentially life-threatening pediatric emergencies with easy-to-read format with a flow diagram after every chapter. Common conditions such as acute pneumonia, severe asthma, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), cardiorespiratory failure, shock, sepsis, coma, raised intracranial pressure, status epilepticus protocol, cardiac failure, rhythm abnormalities, including postoperative cardiac surgery in critically ill children are discussed here. Basic mechanical ventilation details have been emphasized including airway management, rapid sequence intubation, initial ventilator settings, maintenance, monitoring and ongoing adjustment of mechanical ventilation, arterial blood gas analysis and weaning from the ventilator. Book also gives brief description of commonly seen poisonings, multiple trauma, standard basic life support (BLS), pediatric advanced life support (PALS) protocols, sedation protocols, pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) drug dosages as well as PICU procedures.

Link Download :   http://dowb484213

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