Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Medical microbiology : a guide to microbial infections : pathogenesis, immunity, laboratory diagnosis and control

Authors : David Greenwood; et al}
Edition :
Year : 2012
Description :

reaches the high standards set by previous editions and should be a required purchase for all medical and biomedical students."
"British Journal of Biomedical Science (review of 16th edition)" 
Now in full colour, this new edition of the bestselling "Medical Microbiology" covers Microbial biology; Infection and immunity; Bacterial pathogens and associated diseases; Viral pathogens and associated diseases; Fungal pathogens and parasitic infections; and Diagnosis, treatment and control of infection. The major portion gives an organism-based systematic coverage of microbiology. Each organism is considered under a standard set of headings: Description, Pathogenesis, Clinical features, Laboratory diagnosis, Treatment, and Epidemiology. The section on immunology covers that part of the subject that is of direct relevance to the understanding of microbial infection.Exactly what medical students need - an organism-based account of the subject, presented in a clinical context Makes learning easy - information is presented in a very systematic way Perfect for exam preparation - key point boxes highlight essential information The degree of detail makes it ideal for students with a level of commitment to microbiology

Table of contents : 
Content: Microbiology and medicine --
Morphology and nature of micro-organisms --
Classification, identification and typing of micro-organisms --
Bacterial growth, physiology and death --
Antimicrobial agents --
Bacterial genetics --
Virus-cell interactions --
Immunological principles: Antigens and antigen recognition --
Innate and acquired immunity --
Immunity in viral infections --
Parasitic infections: Pathogenesis and immunity --
Immunity in bacterial infections --
Bacterial pathogenicity --
The natural history of infection --
Staphylococcus: Skin infections; osteomyelitis; bloodstream infection; food poisoning; foreign body infections; MRSA --
Streptococcus and enterococcus: Pharyngitis; scarlet fever; skin and soft tissue infections; streptococcal toxic shock syndrome; pneumonia; meningitis; urinary tract infections; rheumatic fever; post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis --
Coryneform bacteria, listeria and erysipelothrix: Diphtheria; listeriosis; erysipeloid --
Mycobacterium: Tuberculosis; leprosy --
Environmental mycobacteria: Opportunist disease --
Actinomyces, nocardia and tropheryma: Actinomycosis; nocardiasis; Whipple's disease --
Bacillus: Anthrax; food poisoning --
Clostridium: Gas gangrene; tetanus; food poisoning; pseudomembranous colitis --
Neisseria and moraxella: Meningitis; septicaemia; gonorrhoea; respiratory infections --
Salmonella: Food poisoning; enteric fever --
Shigella: Bacillary dysentery --
Escherichia: Urinary tract infection; travellers' diarrhoea; haemorrhagic colitis; haemolytic uraemic syndrome --
Klebsiella, enterobacter, proteus and other enterobacteria: Pneumonia; urinary tract infection; opportunist infection --
Pseudomonads and non-fermenters: Opportunist infection; cystic fibrosis; melioidosis --
Campylobacter and helicobacter: Enteritis; polyneuropathy; gastritis; peptic ulcer disease; gastric cancer --
Vibrio, mobiluncus, gardnerella and spirillum: Cholera; vaginosis; rat bite fever --
Haemophilus: Respiratory infections; meningitis; chancroid --
Bordetella: Whooping cough --
Legionella: Legionnaires' disease; Pontiac fever --
Brucella, bartonella and streptobacillus: Brucellosis; Oroya fever; trench fever; cat scratch disease; bacillary angiomatosis; rat bite fever --
Yersinia, pasteurella and francisella: Plague; pseudotuberculosis; mesenteric adenitis; pasteurellosis; tularaemia --
Non-sporing anaerobes: Wound infection; periodontal disease; abscess; normal flora --
Treponema and borrelia: Syphilis; yaws; relapsing fever; Lyme disease --
Leptospira: Leptospirosis; Weil's disease --
Chlamydia: Genital and ocular infections; infertility; atypical pneumonia --
Rickettsia, orientia, ehrlichia, anaplasma and coxiella: Typhus; spotted fevers; scrub typhus; ehrlichioses; Q fever --
Mycoplasmas: Respiratory and genital tract infections --
Adenoviruses: Respiratory disease; conjunctivitis; gut infections --
Herpesviruses: Herpes simplex; varicella and zoster; infectious mononucleosis; B cell lymphomas; cytomegalovirus disease; exanthem subitum; Kaposi's sarcoma; herpes B --
Poxviruses: Smallpox; molluscum contagiosum; parapoxvirus infections --
Papillomaviruses and polyomaviruses: Warts: warts and cancers; polyomavirus associated nephropathy; progressive multifocal leuco-encephalopathy --
Hepadnaviruses: Hepatitis B virus infection; hepatitis delta virus infection --
Parvoviruses: B19 infection; erythema infectiosum --
Picornaviruses: Meningitis; paralysis; rashes; intercostal myositis; myocarditis; infectious hepatitis; common cold --
Orthomyxoviruses: Influenza --
Paramyxoviruses: Respiratory infections; mumps; measles; Hendra/Nipah disease --
Arboviruses: alphaviruses, flaviviruses and bunyaviruses: Encephalitis; yellow fever; dengue; haemorrhagic fever; miscellaneous tropical fevers; undifferentiated fever --
Hepaciviruses and hepeviruses: Hepatitis C and E viruses; non-A, non-B hepatitis --
Arenaviruses and filoviruses: Viral haemorrhagic fevers --
Reoviruses: Gastroenteritis --
Retroviruses: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; HTLV-1 --
Caliciviruses and astroviruses: Diarrhoeal disease --
Coronaviruses --
Rhabdoviruses --
Togaviruses: Rubella --
Prion diseases (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies): Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome; fatal familial insomnia; iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; kuru; variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; bovine spongiform encephalopathy; scrapie--
Fungi: Superficial, subcutaneous and systemic mycoses --
Protozoa: Malaria; toxoplasmosis; cryptosporidiosis; amoebiasis; trypanosomiasis; leishmaniasis; giardiasis; trichomoniasis --
Helminths: Intestinal worm infections; filariasis; schistosomiasis; hydatid disease --
Arthropods: Arthropod-borne diseases; ectoparasitic infections; allergy --
Infective syndromes --
Diagnostic procedures --
Strategy of antimicrobial chemotherapy --
Epidemiology and control of community infections --
Hospital infection --

Link Download : http://dowx1C7E87C1D80ABEC526B6B

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