Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Ovulation induction: evidence based guidelines for daily practice

Authors : Ben J. Cohlen, Evert J.P. van Santbrink, Joop S.E. Laven
Edition :
Year :2017
Description :

Anovulation – one of the most common causes of infertility – is here given a thorough review, with classification of the different subtypes, how they are diagnosed, how they are treated, and the possible complications and outcomes involved. This is a comprehensive evidence-based summary from an international expert team, with guidelines for daily practice clearly stated and summarized for your convenience.


  • 1. Physiology of the menstrual cycle : understanding the principles of ovarian stimulation 
  • 2. Classification of anovulation / Evert J.P. van Santbrink --
  • 3. Causes of anovulation : WHO class 1 / Camille Grysole and Didier Dewailly --
  • 4. Causes of anovulation : normogonadotropic normoestrogenic anovulation non-PCOS /
  • 5. Causes of anovulation : WHO type 2: polycystic ovary syndrome / 
  • 6. Causes of anovulation : WHO class 3 / Sophie Christin-Maitre 
  • 7. Other endocrine disorders causing anovulation : congenital adrenal hyperplasia 
  • 8. Other endocrine disorders causing anovulation : thyroid disorders / 
  • 9. Other endocrine disorders causing anovulation : prolactinomas / 
  • 10. Genetics of anovulation / Joop S.E. Laven --
  • 11. Diagnosis of anovulation / Joop S.E. Laven --
  • 12. Ovulation induction versus controlled ovarian hyperstimulation / Ben J. Cohlen --
  • 13. Monitoring of ovulation induction cycles / Kathrin Fleischer --
  • 14. Treatment of WHO 1 : GnRH or gonadotropins? / Cornelis B. Lambalk --
  • 15. Treatment of WHO 2 : clomiphene citrate / 
  • 16. Treatment of WHO 2 : aromatase inhibitors /
  • 17. Treatment of WHO 2 : insulin sensitizers / 
  • 18. Treatment of WHO 2 : laparoscopic electrocautery of the ovaries / 
  • 19. Treatment of WHO 2 : gonadotropins and the role of GnRH agonists and antagonists 
  • 20. Treatment of WHO 2 : lifestyle modifications / 
  • 21. Treatment of WHO 3 / Annelien C. de Kat, Scott M. Nelson, 
  • 22. How to define success in ovulation induction / 
  • 23. Complications of ovarian stimulation : multifollicular development / 
  • 24. Complications of ovulation induction : ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome /
  • 25. Complications of ovarian stimulation : multiple pregnancies / 
  • 26. Long-term complications of anovulation / Joop S.E. Laven --
  • 27. Predicting outcome of treating anovulation / Yvonne V. Louwers 
  • 28. Future prospects / Renato Pasquali --
  • 29. Summary : levels of evidence of statements --
  • 30. Summary : grade of strength of recommendations.

Link Download : http:dowrBA595

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