Sunday, August 12, 2018

Successful Drug-Free Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia

Authors : Revella Levin
Edition : 1
Year : 2018
Description :

Successful Drug-Free Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia offers a close examination of how to treat schizophrenic patients using psychotherapy rather than drugs, applying derivatives of psychodynamic principles in treating patients. The author provides real examples throughout of how therapists can resolve patients’ emotional conflicts with better outcomes than by resorting to drugs. She presents methods that allow patients to avoid the neurological damage and obesity that can often result from the use of anti-psychotic drugs. The practical techniques and advice this book offers enable therapists to resolve the chaos of schizophrenia using psychotherapy alone. Theoretically, this book can also be useful for work with depressives. 

Link Download :   http://dowdB190d67262A

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