Thursday, August 16, 2018

Writing your thesis - A Practical Guide for Students

Authors : Librero Felix R.
Edition :
Year : 2012
Description :

This book is written for the Filipino student studying in the Philippines in mind, but it would be useful to non-Filipino students as well. It is a sequel to the book titled How to Write a Thesis Proposal, previously written by the author. The original manuscript of the first book was published, in mimeographed form, as Lecture Notes for the course. Introduction to Development Communication Research, in 1984, by the then Department of Development Communication in the UPLB College of Agriculture. This meant that it was written for students of development communication, which was why the original manuscript was highly oriented towards scientific writing.

Part I contains much of what the previous book. How to Write a Thesis Proposal, included, but it has been completely reorganized and heavily edited. It also contains new material. Expanded explanations and discussions were also added. The previous book, of course, is a logical part of this new book, so it was included.
Part II is a substantial expansion of a small portion of the previous book that dealt with the discussion of results and techniques of data presentation, as well as suggestions for meaningful data analysis and interpretation.
Part HI is simply titled Appendices. All of the five appendices discuss important topics related to writing the thesis manuscript, but they could not be appropriately discussed in the various chapters of the new book. There is one appendix added to this volume, which deals with how to get published in an academic journal.

Link Download :   httpdowvd57FE9

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