Friday, August 3, 2018

Standards for the Clinical Care of Children and Adults with Thalassaemia in the UK

Authors : Dr Anne Yardumian , Dr Paul Telfer MA , Dr Farrukh Shah , Dr Kate Ryan
Edition : 3
Year : 2016
Description :

I am really pleased to see an update of the standards for the delivery of care to patients with thalassaemia and I strongly support it. The document has benefited from the involvement of patients in the development and the process of implementation.
Empowerment of patients and the public is an essential aim of the NHS and the thalassaemia
community should be proud of their leadership role in this. Clinicians embracing these standards
will see improvements in their services and the Peer Review process is also key.

This document should be an invaluable source of information to commissioners when developing future services for patients. Well done to the Editor and authors. This is an important piece of work.

Link Download :  https:dridWpEN

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